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Webber London

18 Newman St

+44 (0) 20 7439 0678

Webber New York

35 E 1st Street

Basement West
New York
NY, 10003

+1 646 370 5713

Webber Los Angeles
939 S Santa Fe Ave
Los Angeles
CA 90021

Tues - Sat | 11am - 6pm
By Appointment



Steve Harries

British Photographer Steve Harries has two decades of experience working across the worlds of art and fashion. His influences focus on cinema, sculpture, music and painting. He is fascinated by environments, what they feel like and what inhabits them. Objects, people, light, sound, construction. His love for photography stems from the experience of examination, collaboration, translation and execution.

Clients include : Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Bottega Veneta, Calvin Klein, Cartier, Dior, Hermès, Johnnie Walker, Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Moncler, The New Yorker, Nike, Rimowa, Rolex, System Magazine, Victorinox & WSJ Magazine.

Selected exhibitions :

2023 Octopus shortlisted for Aperture Photo Book Awards. Exhibition. Paris Photo, Paris.
2023 Octopus Book Signing & event at The Photographers Gallery, London
2022 Octopus Exhibition. Delpire & Co, Paris
2022 Octopus Exhibition. Fondazione Sozzani, Milan
2021 Octopus Exhibition. Photo London, London
2017 Studio Botanical Exhibition. Webber Gallery, London
2016 Vivienne Westwood, Cafe Society Exhibition. Webber Gallery, London