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Alessandra Sanguinetti, The Sixth Day


Alessandra Sanguinetti
Time Flies (Unearthed) / El Tiempo Vuela (Desterradas), 2005
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition 6 of 8
Nine Months / Nueve Meses, 2007
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition 5 of 8
Alessandra Sanguinetti
The Explorer / La Exploradora, 2002
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition AP 3 of 4
Alessandra Sanguinetti
The Cousins / Las Primas, 2004
50 × 50 inches, C-type, Edition 1 of 3
Alessandra Sanguinetti
Time Flies (Unearthed) / El Tiempo Vuela (Desterradas), 2005
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition 6 of 8
Nine Months / Nueve Meses, 2007
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition 5 of 8
Alessandra Sanguinetti
The Explorer / La Exploradora, 2002
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition AP 3 of 4
Alessandra Sanguinetti
The Cousins / Las Primas, 2004
50 × 50 inches, C-type, Edition 1 of 3
Alessandra Sanguinetti
Time Flies (Unearthed) / El Tiempo Vuela (Desterradas), 2005
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition 6 of 8
Nine Months / Nueve Meses, 2007
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition 5 of 8
Alessandra Sanguinetti
The Explorer / La Exploradora, 2002
30 × 30 inches, C-type, Edition AP 3 of 4
Alessandra Sanguinetti
The Cousins / Las Primas, 2004
50 × 50 inches, C-type, Edition 1 of 3