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Webber London

18 Newman St

+44 (0) 20 7439 0678

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35 E 1st Street

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NY, 10003

+1 646 370 5713

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939 S Santa Fe Ave
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CA 90021

Tues - Sat | 11am - 6pm
By Appointment


Photo London 2017
Daniel Shea, Theo Simpson


Photo London
Stand D6

Thomas Albdorf
Marton Perlaki
Daniel Shea
Theo Simpson

Webber Gallery will present works by Thomas Albdorf, Marton Perlaki, Daniel Shea and Theo Simpson at the third edition of Photo London at Somerset House this May. The selection of works shown on Stand D6 will explore and push the current contemporary dialogues within photography and reflect on where the medium is potentially leading. Below is some more information about each artists work and we hope you can join us at the fair this May. 

After winning the ING Unseen Talent Award last year Thomas Albdorf will have works from his new series General View on Stand D6 as well as a solo exhibition at the Webber gallery, opening on the 16th of May. Inspired by photographs of Yosemite

National Park – one of the most intensely mediated nature sites on earth – General View toys with the question regarding the necessity of traveling to a place that has been photo- graphed innumerable times, the need to record additional photographs. Albdorf poses the question: if countless images of a specific place are readily available, has one been there already? 

Also on stand will be a selection of works from Marton Perlaki’s brilliant series Elemer, which was exhibited both at the Webber Gallery Space and the Robert Capa Contempo- rary Photography Center in 2016. Elemer describes a world of chances and combinations, revolving around the manipulation of one central gure before his camera. We do not know who Elemér is – indeed, Perlaki suggests we do not need to know – and as we witness him moving and appearing before the camera he is sculpted, both gesturally and literally. His movements, in turn, elicit the witty, hallucinatory and strange from simple still lives, landscapes and portraits made in Perlaki’s native Hungary. 

Daniel Shea will be exhibiting new and unseen works from his ongoing body of work 43-35 100th St. With this latest series Shea establishes a matrix of economic and social activity that references the rapid gentrifcation in New York City, Brasilia’s modernist architecture, and a small town dying in the desert sun in California. The selection of works exhibited take bodies of water as their subject matter. Images of decorative ponds surrounding Brasilia’s government buildings are paired with images of the polluted canals in Shea’s own rapidly changing neighbourhood in New York City. 

Following on from the hugely successful solo exhibition at Webber Gallery Space in February, Theo Simpson will present a new installation of works at Photo London. Simpson’s collective works reflect on mythical themes relating to landscape and industrial heritage, probing the instability of the post-industrial landscape and its cultural and physical borders. This new work brings together order groupings based on historic time- lines and shifts in industrial legacy, using a meticulously collated archive as it’s core – the organised multi-language structural system unlocks a complex pattern between something newly sensed, the memory and the idea of the future, between materials and surface, order and disorder.